Arizona was beautiful...
The weather was perfect
{70 degress}They had
TONS of rain the week before so we lucked out and got to enjoy the pretty flowers and bright green grass :)

We left Thursday morning and went and picked Gord up from work.
Tydon was SOOO excited to ride the airplane we couldn't get to the airport fast enough ;)
{he was so excited to take his new backpack}Once we were there... Tydon was fascinated by everything.
{Gord got tired of him getting distracted so he ended up on his shoulders}
Tydon sat by the window on the plane and loved every minute of it. He watched everything
{even after we took off} for about a half hour! Then he sat back and colored the rest of the time.

We took Tydon on the plane when he was about the same age as Henson... First thing he did was have a
{I was a little paranoid this was going to happen again} Instead... he was a Champ! He ate and did his "duty" right before we got on the plane and then slept the whole way there.

When we landed in AZ, there was a greeter that gave Tydon an airplane to play with
{Thank you}It was his favorite toy the rest of the trip...

After we ate dinner
{yummy prime rib}, the Nelson's
{one of Gord's mission buddies} came and got us and took us out for dessert. I didn't know I was going to find a new addiction on this trip!!

Then we went back to our hotel to chat. Henson and Hank are a month apart
{Hank is older}.
These two were fun to compare. Hank is a little "ham" loved him!

Friday was full of meetings for the guys, but the women got to play ;)
I took Tydon swimming in the afternoon... He LOVED it! I wish we could swim in February every year ;)

Then it was back to the room for a nap ;)
{Look at how GREEN the grass is}
Gord's company provided child care while we were there so Tydon and Henson went to play with the kids... and Gord and I went to "Vegas"

Friday night was a Vegas theme... So after dinner they gave us some gamblin "money" and let us hit up the Casino and party ;) So fun!!

I had never done this before ;) Sooo fun!

My "hot" hunter...

Wouldn't be
Vegas without the "Show Girls"

Definately a night to remember... so much fun!
After a soak in the hot tub we were off to bed...
Saturday included more meetings for the guys and a little fun for the ladies ;)
Since there were a couple of us "nursing moms" we went late to the spouse event.
Made it just in time for lunch and the gift
{Tiffany & Co. Bracelets}Then of course I had to introduce my friends to my new addiciton!!
{google images}Couldn't get enough of this place!!Saturday night was
formal night... with a
Mardi Gras theme.
So we got all dressed up and had another fun night with our friends...
{Jared and Jamie}The boys...

Our high school remake ;)

Love this guy ;)

Gord's big eyes...

After the fancy and fun the Nelson's came and picked us up for another trip to Yogurtland
{yes, that was
twice in one day}
{so glad to see you guys again, thanks for everything}Tydon had lots of fun with the kids and came home with lots of souveniers.

Sunday we ate a yummy breakfast and packed up to fly home...
My aunt picked us up and took us to lunch
{with a quick detour on the way to the airport}

Pretty sure I got my fix for a
4 visits in 4 days... not too bad!
The plane ride back was just as peaceful as the one there...

Traditional flight game...

And we made it!

Fun little getaway... Thanks Kiewit for the fun weekend!