Henson hit 4 months {the beginning of February}
He is all smiles and full of fun lately.
Can't get enough of this sweet guy

*FULL of smiles... all the time
*Finally giggling, but still takes some coaxing
*Still a great sleeper, but hitting another growth spurt
*Tried rice cereal... still learning how to swallow the crazy stuff
*LOVES his Bumbo seat {such a big boy}
*Had another haircut {from dad this time}
*Everything goes in his mouth right now, "drooly kid"
*Still likes to snuggle with Mom
*LOVES his big brother
*Already spoiled {by his big brother}
4 Month Check-Up {vs Tydon}
*Weight: 14.9 lbs - 45% {15.9 lbs - 70%}
*Height: 24.75 inch - 38% {26.75 inch - 75%}
*Head: 16.75 inch - 53% {17.3 inch - 75 %}
And all this time I thought Henson was bigger than Tydon... {Tydon was 8 days late though}
So grateful for this sweet face and the joy and happiness he brings into our home.

We feel truly blessed!