I've been a blog slacker lately, I'll be the first to admit.
So here's a quick update of what's been going on...
Gord turned 30!!!
Happy Birthday to my BEST FRIEND!!
I got to spend Mother's Day with some of my dad's family
{That's his oldest sister Kathy in the middle}
So fun to see these girls!
After we named Henson my grandma told me it was a family name.
Kathy pulled out the book to show us.
My mom and grandma came to town for a couple days and stayed at a hotel in Salt Lake so we met them for swimming, shopping and yummy food!
While they were here, Tydon had a gymnastics recital
He was so excited about his balloon he slept with hit ;)
{love this kid}
Our landlord invited us over for a Brazilian dinner.
It was fun learning how to make something new and the girls were so much fun!

I got to meet up with my friends from West Jordan for a baby shower for one of our friends!
Love you girls...
Two of my other friends had babies too so they sent me pictures of their diaper bags so I could make some matching wipe cases
Memorial Weekend was much needed... We spent time with our families in ID
We went on a little razor ride with Gord's fam
Henson was such a good boy.
It rained {of course} but we found a spot where we could make a fire and be protected by the trees.
Lunch, YUM!
Tydon can't get enough of the motorcycles.
My dad was happy to take him for a ride when we got there
Before we headed home we HAD to stop and see some friends.
So fun to meet baby London and catch up!
Gordon has been on a pretty big project at work. They built 2 overpasses on the side of the freeway and then moved them into place... crazy I know. So I let Tydon stay up late and we went over and watched.
This is the 4th part they moved into place. Pretty amazing!
More updates to come...