I'll be the first to admit that I've been horrible at updating lately...
I still can't believe November is more than half way over.
Thanksgiving is next week... really?!
So here is a quick recap of our Oct and the beginning of Nov
Little "H" turned 1 yr -
We love this little guy to pieces and are so grateful for his sweet spirit.
He was battling ear infections all of Oct so he still hasn't had his own Bday cake...
Poor kid!
Tydon LOVED Itty Bitty Football again this year.
He is such a stud!

I met up with a friend at a new pizza place in town NYPD Pizza
It was sooo yummy!
Tydon loved making his own pizza :)

Poor kid!
Tydon LOVED Itty Bitty Football again this year.
He is such a stud!
I met up with a friend at a new pizza place in town NYPD Pizza
It was sooo yummy!
Tydon loved making his own pizza :)
We finished the month off with a fun weekend ALL about Tydon!
It started Friday when he woke up to see that Grandpa and Brody had come to visit :)
{They were on their way to Green River for the weekend}
Then later that night we went to a Halloween Party
My aunt and her kids showed up later that night to celebrate the weekend with us.
Saturday morning Tydon chose his favorite breakfast... Pumpkin Pancakes with buttermilk syrup and Powdered Sugar :)
Then we made a quick visit to see G&G Eaton in Riverton.
On to Yogurtland... can't tell you how excited I am that this is in town :)
The weather was decent for Halloween this year
Then we made our way to Gardner Village to find the Witches

Next stop was Wheeler Farm...
I had to laugh because Gordon got more excited to take a picture of this thing than he did his own kids while we were there...
Yes... live pack rats... look for them next time you are there!
Just as we were leaving it started to rain... perfect time to hit up CHUCK E CHEESE
He's been talking about going there for months!
He LOVED it... but said Lagoon was more fun :)
Then we headed home for presents...
Cake and Ice Cream...
And we were so happy the cousins were here to take Tydon
Trick or Treating
Fun way to end the month!!
November has been pretty busy so far...
I just took the boys to ID for a week and it was lots of fun.
The boys always look forward to visiting Great at the mall.
One night I got to meet up with several of my HS friends :)
It was a blast catching up!
I left the boys with my sis-in-law for the weekend and went to Phoenix for the weekend...
forgot my camera {so sad} but the 84 degree weather was fabulous... poolside... Yogurtland... yummy food... catching up with friends and some more travel planning... such a fun weekend!
Gordon was super excited to have us home :) We missed him lots!
This weekend we get to have our cousins over for a couple nights while their mom and dad go to a wedding in Nauvoo. Tydon and Henson are lovin it!
We are looking forward to hitting the road again next week to visit our family in ID!
Guess it's time to start thinking about Christmas.... crazy!!