After my mom's appointment we ate at Cheescake Factory! YUM!!!
Then we were off to Gardner Village...
Tydon was so excited to ride the pony he couldn't stand it. He had a hard time just riding one. He wanted to test all of them out.
This place would be so fun to take family pictures at. There are so many fun places with water and flowers... I LOVE this place!
My mom gets me these blocks for every season. I was so excited that we found "SUMMER" today. Really I should just start making them because they would be sooo easy, but it's always fun to receive something fun and new.
I am loving magnets lately so I was really excited when my mom surprised me with these. I'm in the process of coming up with a meal planning magnet board. I'll keep you updated... OH! I also found my next craft idea to go along with my changing pads... I'm so excited!!!
After Gardner Village we finished our shopping spree at Gateway mall. The weather was perfect for outdoor shopping. We finished our Father's Day shopping in Dick's - bought my brother some cute board shorts in Pac Sun - stopped for Ice Cream at Ben & Jerry's and my mom bought us new jeans in the Lucky store! Thanks mom for such a fun day - we love you!
Hey Chels!
It's your old roomie - Misty!
I was blog hopping and I ran into your blog and I was so excited! How have you been? Your little boy is adorable! Looks like life is treating you well! Take Care!
Your mom is so fun, I loved having her as a leader in YW!! And who doesn't love a shopping trip with our moms? I love to shop with my mom because she still spoils me! Tell your mom hi the next time you talk to her :)
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