Why do we go to college? Is it just what everyone does after high school or a mission... Did you go because your mom and dad made you? Well I'm pretty sure that most of us go with a purpose... I know I didn't just go to waste thousands of dollars! I'm assuming most people go to get a degree in hopes of finding a job to support their families or make a living, right?!?. Well... now to the point!! Gordon has been done with school (Bachelor's degree in Business Management) since the beginning of July and is still job hunting... He has turned at least 25 applications in the last month and has only had 2 responses so far!! He is still staying busy doing jobs for family and friends, but no permanent job yet. It is so weird to be in a position like this - not knowing where we will be a month from now or if and when we will get a job. We wonder... should he go back to school to get his MBA? why are we still here? what are we suppose to learn from this? are we praying for the right things???
Have you ever been in a position where you didn't know where you were going or what you were doing with your life?!?
Thank you so much to those of you who share our concern and keep us in your prayers. I know that there is a plan for each one of us. I know that Heavenly Father knows us and wants us to be happy. I'm grateful to have this knowledge and know that we will be blessed in the Lord's time.
We will keep you in our prayers!!!
what a hard "in-between" time chels. but you guys are some of the most wonderful people i know.. things will work out and be so great!! gord is so talented and you are so supportive.. and that makes for the perfect combo! we will for sure keep you in our prays.. and hope we can keep you in our extra bedroom REALLY SOON!!
O, Chels~
Life can be so challenging! I remeber feeling the same way when we were waiting for a job. It will all work out, it just takes time. Just enjoy the time you have around family and together. Don't give up, the Lord probably has something so great in store for you guys. We love you and are in our prayers!!!
Gosh, it feels like we were just there. Dustin graduated in May and from about January-April we were in limbo of where were going to be moving, a house or apartment, money or no money :) It's so hard to not know what to expect, but you are exactly right that Heavenly Father takes care of us and we are living testiment of that. Hang in there!!
I had no idea Gordon was either done with school or job hunting. Seriously, Poky isn't that far away and we need to get together more often!!!
You guys really have done everything right...don't second guess that part! Good luck and keep us posted!
Hi, I am Judy from lifes 2 short. I love the bag you made. Do you have a pattern. It is so cute and I love to sew, but have got out it and into scrapping and blogging. Thanks
Hang in there. It will happen when the time is right. I'm sure we're not the only ones who feels this way, but we are glad you haven't left yet. The ward wouldn't be the same without you guys.
Hang in there girl, things get better. The Lord does have a plan for you guys - maybe not the one you are expecting! I know how Gordon feels. When I got my Bachelors I couldn't get a job...except for at Wal-Mart's Portrait studio - HATED IT! It took me a couple of years (I know sounds like forever) to finally figure out to do my own photography business and it's finally working out! Hang in there, things will work out!
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