It feels good to finally be home and have our clothes unpacked and put away in our own closets rather than in a duffle bag. Christmas was great... lots of fun, food, laughing, snow and many memories.
We spent time with both of our families while we were home for the holidays. We were even around long enough to help Gord's sister take down their 12' Christmas tree!! What a mess the real trees make... I'm for sure a fake tree girl. The ladder was left out and Tydon thought it was a fun toy!! Yikes...
Of course Briggs wanted in on the fun!
We are going to miss all of our family and friends back home. You all know you have a place to stay when you come to Utah and this is where you'll be...
We are really enjoying our new home and grateful to finally be settled. It is so nice to finally have some structure back in our lives. What a difference it makes! Gordon is officially a working man and likes his new job so far.
Happy New Year to everyone!!
I love starting a new year and setting new goals...
My New Year's Resolution is to
Very nervous, but excited to see how long I can get it in 2009.
Is this the outside of your home? It is fantastic!
hope to see you guys this weekend! i love that you are close now! now we just need to take advantage of it! you grow your hair out.. and i'll cut mine ;) .. excited to see it long!
loved the pictures of Tydon all dressed up to play in the snow. Lydia porbably wont get that change this year.
And now I want to make a trip to Utah just to see your house! It looks gorgeous!
What a beautiful home! I know what you mean about living out of a suitcase, it gets old real fast. It must be so nice to finally be all settle in and just in time for the new year! I laughed out loud when I saw Tydon all bundled up and his bright blue eyes where about all you could see! Soooo cute!
I love the tubing pics. I hope all your dreams come true in 2009!
Love the house, very nice. So you're growing out your hair? That's awesome, I'm trying to grow mine out a little bit but not too much. It's so awkward growing out a short hair cut you know? Well I hope you guys enjoy Utah!! House looks great!
Your house is beautiful! Congrats on that and the new job! I am really looking forward to being done with summer sales and finally settled somewhere! I am excited to see what you will look like with long hair!
I can't wait to see you with long hair that will be crazy! We miss having you guys upstairs too! Lily still goes up and knocks at the door saying "Hello?!?" Tell Gord and Tydon hi for us!
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