Just so I could take advantage of this great offer...

friend's mother in law, Evelyn Hymas, who is a professional photographer, is looking for pregnant women or women with babies up to 8 weeks old to photograph for free! She is starting a new segment called "Bellies and Babies." You also will receive a $100 gift certificate towards the purchase of your pictures. Her studio is in Rigby, so you would have to travel to her. Pass the word along to anyone you know who is pregnant or just had a baby! This is a limited time offer!
thanks for posting this chels! i hope the word will get out! looks like you had an awesome time on your trip!
I love her work. I wish I had a little grandbaby to take to her....heeeheeee
Sweet! I'm going to have to contact them to take some photos of my 3 week old. Thanks Chelsi
lets ask her if we can take reservations for some time in the next two years for both of us! you tell me when you are ready to give tydon a sibling... and i'll follow your lead! ha.
You know Chels if you were still here in poky it would be high time for you to get pregnant, considering the ward was known for having babies so close. Besides that Tydon needs a little brother or sissy. Tavon is loving his sissy!
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