The weather in Utah has been amazing! We have tried to soak up as much sun as we could this week. We started the week off by going to Hogle Zoo with friends from our ward.
Finished the night off with some wrestling with dad...
St Patrick's Day was Gordon's sister's birthday so we went over to their house for dinner.

She made Corn Beef and Cabbage and it was DELICIOUS!!

Tuesday night is also Gord's Bowling League night so Tydon and I went along to watch this week.

He joined the league through work and got a FREE ball and shoes!
Special Needs Mutual has been a blast so far...
Last week the girls did manicures and they LOVED it!
They have it set up so a YM and YW from each ward in the Stakes within West Jordan are called and assigned to a Special Needs person. There are about 32 YM and 32 YW with Special Needs. The youth come each Thursday to help their special friend.
This has truly been amazing calling.
This week was Pinewood Derby Week for the guys... so you can imagine the excitement!

Tydon woke up and immediately found his car this morning.
While the boys went to Mutual I attended a RS Conference for our Stake.

For Book Club last month they read "Running with Angels" by Pamela Hansen.

I don't know if many of you have read this, but it is quite the story. Pamela was the guest speaker last night and shared her story along with her testimony. I can't tell you how grateful I am for a healthy son and for the many blessings in my life. We often think that life is hard and that we don't know if we can endure another trial, but this book is a true testimony that you can. I admire people who look for tomorrow and don't dwell on today's mistakes or tragedies. We are so blessed to live another day to call a friend in need, smile at a passing stranger, be reminded that the laundry is never done, hear the birds singing outside, feel the warm sunshine, know that we are needed and look forward to tomorrow to accomplish something more.
Life is truly a blessing and one that we often take for granted until we are reminded of its importance. I hope we can all hug our families and friends and remind them that we love them, you never know who needs those precious words spoken.