There are some people that you meet that you just love from the very beginning. I met this person about 3 years ago and since then a lot has happened. She moved to help her dad recover from a terrible accident, has had another baby and has one of my favorite blogs. I love how honest she is and what a good person she is. She has two adorable kids and is married to a great guy. We share a love for dancing and look forward to So You Think You Can Dance every year...
Heather thanks for being such a great example to me! You are an amazing person.
So fun to have friends to share things with and reality tv is one of them,.
Thanks so much Chelsi! we love you guys! I totally wasn't expecting to see our picture and at first I was like who are they...and then I realized it was us. I'm a nerd.
But man I am counting down the days to SYTYCD. I can't wait!
I would agree! She has the BEST blog. I too love how honest she is, and she inspires me to be better ALL the time! Good Choice!!
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