Well the week started out with this...

On Monday my dad came to help and got a new tire for my grandma.
Tydon and I spent Monday afternoon at the laundry mat getting all the bedding washed and then headed back to my mom's for some deep cleaning...
Tuesday and Wednesday my mom had Dr appointments and we finished the cleaning. She is still just taking it one day at a time, but doing better each day.
Wednesday night I went to visit one of my friends from High School. We actually got pretty close in college and I'm so glad we did. She is such a sweety. She just bought a new house so I went over to visit. I stole her picture from facebook!

Thursday was a crazy day...
Tydon had a runny nose all week and he coughed all night and Thursday morning he wasn't breathing too good. He just wanted to lay around and sleep so I decided I better take him into Urgent Care. They gave him a breathing treatment and took a chest x-ray to see what was going on. Sure enough the PA said he had Bronchitis so I was off to the pharmacy for some meds. My mom had to run some errands so she took the car and I was left with my grandma's car. Normally this would be fun, but not when you are taking your sick kid to the Dr.

I was FREAKING out. This car is my grandma's baby and she only drives it on special occasions or to take it to the car wash.
It was almost 5pm and that's when she gets of work so I hurried back to her house, got Tydon out of his seat, stripped him and put him in the tub. I frantically took the car seat out and took it apart to get the cover in the washer and then I was back out to the car with soap and water to start scrubbing. Luckily it wasn't too bad, grateful for leather seats!! I got Tydon cleaned up, dressed and on the couch watching Diego before she walked through the door. I was sweating... nothing like a little excitement for the day.
Anyone that knows "Great" would understand my distress :)
After I got Tydon to bed, our Mother's Day party started.
"Great" got me a pedicure so I could have cute toes for the weekend.
It felt sooo good!! Every woman deserves some pampering.
Then it was time for dinner...
My Aunt got 3 packages of crab legs
1 lobster tail
2 artichokes
She made super yummy Hot Wing Dip too (I'll have to get the recipe)
All of this was for 4 people!!
Keep Crab Legs frozen until you preheat the oven
Preheat oven to 250
Rinse the Crab under warm water to get ice off
Lay on cookie sheet
Bake in oven until warm to touch
Serve HOT!! amazing...
We like to dip the crab meat in butter and squeeze fresh lemon on top! YUM!!
I slept very well that night ;)
Tydon was feeling much better Friday morning and excited to go to Mud Lake for the weekend. Gordon's mom is such an amazing person! She is always willing to help where needed. I love her! Gordon's dad is so cute with Tydon too. Tydon loves riding the tractor and the horses with grandpa.

We ski on man-made lakes. There was a Pro Water Skier in town so we took Brody over to ski with him.
It was 70 degrees with no wind, it couldn't have been better!
Brody was still tired from skiing with Nick so I got to go first.
I was just excited I still fit in my wetsuit!!
Gotta start em young!! ha ha
Thanks family for a fun week in Idaho!!
I'm happy to be back home with my hubby.
Looks like you had a fun and busy weekend! I can't believe about the flat tire & throw-up in your Grandma's car! Sounds like you took care of things quick though!
Fun fun! It is so nice to spend time with family.
What a fun weekend for you. Sorry Tydon got sick in the car....I remember those days. But they are the best ever. so fun you got to see Kira. I love her. She has always been a fav to me and her dad a fav cousin to me too. Glad you got home safe and sound. I hope the boy is feeling better!!!
Wow what a FUN week! Well except for Tydon gettign sick. Sick kids are never fun, espicially not in garndmas car. Visiting the fam, Mothers day, go karts and skiing all in one week. dosent' get much better than that
What a fun week...except for the flat tire and sick kid. I hope he is doing better and I hope your mom is feeling better too. I am so jealous of your water skiing, looks like a blast!
Fun!!! I have actually never really attempted water skiing, I do ride the tube though ;)
I feel bad about Tydon getting so sick and throwing up in your grandma car, I got frantic just reading it. I hope he is feeling better.
Chels- what an eventful weekend!!! WOW!! You are amazing with all that you can accomplish! I hope the little man is feeling better! I still owe you big time for watching my little man when he was not feeling his best! love you girl!
Looks like you had a pretty amazing time in Idaho! I am sure you love it so much to get up and see your family! I am glad you are back, now we need to play:)
So fun! I feel like I'm looking at both sides of my family. On Che's side they like eating crab and they alwasy have the biggest crabs! And then we do all the water stuff on my mom's side. I'm so jealous of your weekend. I need a weekend like that. Vegas isn't coming soon enough!
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