Last week was the Lehi Round-Up so there were several fun activities throughout the week.
We started Monday off at "Lehi's Got Talent" in the park. We ate Fried Chicken (yum!) and watched the finalists compete.
Tuesday I had my Glucose Test (glad to get that over with) and my 25 Week appointment! I can't believe how fast time goes. We really need to start getting things ready for this little guy. We haven't come up with a name we love yet and the nursery is still pretty empty...
Wednesday morning we went to Play Group. The weather was so nice last week! The kids ran through the sprinklers and played in the kiddie pool. Tydon was loving it!!
Then we went home ate some lunch and got our swim suits on for some more water fun. We went to the outdoor pool with Corbin, Cambry and Brinley (Gord's nieces and nephew) Tydon LOVES his cousins and I appreciate their help :)
Thursday morning I took Tydon to Storytime at the Lehi Library. I was so impressed with the lady! He loved all the fun books and songs they sang... there are so many fun activities for kids here, Tydon loves it. After the library we went home and changed into our swim suits again for more water fun at the Legacy Center. They have a SUPER fun indoor/outdoor pool, the best I've seen for little kids. Tydon's friends Tylee and Porter came to swim. So fun!
After a fun day of swimming we headed home to pack for a quick trip to Idaho. My cute cousin Oakley got married Friday morning in the Rexburg, ID temple.
I love getting to see my cousins...
Tydon and Great-Grandma Sharlene (My dad's mom)
Later that afternoon it POURED rain! Tydon said, "mom look a waterfall." It was running off the house pretty steady for a while.
Saturday we got to spend a few hours with "Great" and then we were back on the road home to see daddy. Gord has been super busy with work lately so he wasn't able to go home with us. We got home early enough to go to the Lehi Rodeo.
We got lucky with close parking and great seats! Gord flipped burgers the night before so we got in for FREE... always love that :) It was a pretty good rodeo.
Cute Cowgirls...
Team Roping...
and exciting entertainment... 2 Canadian Motocross guys. One even did a BACK FLIP!!
Tydon LOVED it!!
We forgot how much fun Rodeos are... probably because we haven't been forever ;)
At the end they let the rest of the horses and bulls out to run the arena... one of my favorite parts.
Last night we went to my dad's brother's for dinner and games. I finally got to meet up with one of my cousins that I hadn't seen for years!! Him and his cute fiance are getting married in July.
What a week! Now it's time to play catch up and get ready for another long weekend! Yay!!
We started Monday off at "Lehi's Got Talent" in the park. We ate Fried Chicken (yum!) and watched the finalists compete.
