Now that we are finally getting settled we've had some time to get out of the house.
Friday Tydon and I met up with some of our friends from West Jordan. Tydon was so excited!
We went to Thanksgiving Point to see the animals.
He loves the pony rides!
Cute lil cow
Milking the cow
It started pouring rain on us so we came back to our house for lunch.
It was fun and refreshing to see our friends again.
Friday was NATIONAL DOUGHNUT DAY so I made Gord take Tydon and I to Krispy Kreme for some FREE doughnuts.

Saturday Gord had a company party so we went back to Thanksgiving Point for some food and fun. Tydon loved the cow train...

And of course we had to visit the animals again...

Loved the baby horse!

We missed him on Friday.
The weather was much better so we were able to stay a little bit longer.
He's getting so big!
We went to our new ward on Sunday. Our house is the boundary for a split they just recently had so our neighbors we met are in the other ward. We are excited to get to know some new friends and get involved in a new community.
Tydon has started something new the last few weeks... and guess who taught him?!
We went to Thanksgiving Point to see the animals.
It was fun and refreshing to see our friends again.
Friday was NATIONAL DOUGHNUT DAY so I made Gord take Tydon and I to Krispy Kreme for some FREE doughnuts.
The weather was much better so we were able to stay a little bit longer.
Tydon has started something new the last few weeks... and guess who taught him?!
I had to laugh when he said it was Jesus. Gord thinks it's a gift ;)
He will bust out his air guitar randomly and has recently started to use his bat as a prop. He even found himself a platform at our new house.
They came last Thursday night and stayed and I took them to the airport Friday morning. They spent several days in California and we kept their car while they were gone.
Heidi is going to have a baby in November!! We are so excited for them.
Gord has been super busy at work and a little stressed so it was fun to spend some time with him. I'm grateful for a hardworking husband!! Love you Gord :)
Chels you have the cutest little family! I ran across your blog You guys look so great!
I love the Jesus video! He is so cute!!! Sounds like you are having a blast!
Too bad we had to miss out on the farm! IT looks like fun except the crazy rain! I will see you tomorrow!!! yeah!
Okay, that video is so funny with the air guitar. I watched the video before I read the comment below and I was expecting him to say "daddy" but then he said Jesus and I just could stop laughing. Thanks for posting that!
Looks like you guys are having a great time! Thanksgiving Point looks like a blast, I've never been there, but it looks like I need to someday! I'm glad you guys are all settled in so you can enjoy some fun!
Danton and I laughed so hard at Tydon playing his guitar! That is so cute! It looks like you guys are having lots of fun. We sure miss you guys!
We are so excited for Tyler and Heidi little one due in November too, it is baby season (and you couldn't look tinier Chelsea!!!) That video was great it made me laugh so hard! Tydon is too cute, I can't believe how big and handsome he is! He is going to have the ladies chasing him any day now. These fun trips to Thanksgiving point make me so excited to move down there!
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