I really have some catching up to do...
We had a busy weekend with family here. (Pics to come later)
Gordon and I made a trip to Home Depot and I'm soooo excited for him to get started on a few projects.
We went to get materials for the bassinet and left with materials for a changing table and a nightstand for Tydon too!
He's going to be busy...
While he's out in the garage making a mess, I'll be inside making a mess of my own...
Nesting Projects Week 1...
*Go through Tydon's baby stuff
*Make a list of what items we need
*Start washing
*Clean as I go
Sewing Project
I just can't decide which ones to make... maybe a couple of each :)
We had a busy weekend with family here. (Pics to come later)
Gordon and I made a trip to Home Depot and I'm soooo excited for him to get started on a few projects.
We went to get materials for the bassinet and left with materials for a changing table and a nightstand for Tydon too!
He's going to be busy...
While he's out in the garage making a mess, I'll be inside making a mess of my own...
Nesting Projects Week 1...
*Go through Tydon's baby stuff
*Make a list of what items we need
*Start washing
*Clean as I go
Sewing Project
I just can't decide which ones to make... maybe a couple of each :)

holy burp cloths!! So cute! Your week in Idaho looked like a blast. I'm glad you got to come home and see some family. That's always a wonderful feeling. I love family! And I love your background by the way, so cute!
looks like your going to be Very busy!!
Good luck with your projects! I'm excited to see what you decide to do & how everything turns out!
Looks like you guys are going to be so busy! Love the burp cloths and excited to see the bassinett!
Nesting is one of my very favorite things to do. FYI-when I got out Kenna's clothes-which had been put away with zero spots on them-they were yellowed everywhere there had been spit up, blow outs, etc. A friend told me to make a paste with Cascade dishwash powder and borax and rub it on there. Then wash the clothes in the same stuff-a cup of each. BAM! It did the trick, bright new cute clothes. Just in case;) Can't wait to see the projects.
well I just wanna throw this in there, cuz it's from personal experience. I've always preferred the cloth diaper burp cloths over flanel. My mother-in-law made me a bunch of flanel burp cloths for Caleb and I didn't really like them because they're not very absorbant. they kinda smear the baby spit-up more than absorb it. But you sure can make some cute stuff with flanel!
Can't wait to see the finished projects. You always make the cutest things Chels. By the way I just think Tydon is so stinkin cute. He is such a stylin little boy.
Looks like some fun projects are coming up! Talk about burp cloths, good grief! And they're all so cute!
ok I LOOOVVVEEE all the diaper burpies I have... they are SO absorbent and CUTE!!! Another thing I have LOVED about them that I had not even thought about was that Coop loves the different patterns and colors on the fabric. I put a few in his carseat when I'm driving and he stares at them forever.... So pick all the fun bright fabric- your baby boy will love to stare at them!!
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