For those that like the details...
I woke up early Sunday morning about 2am to an uncomfortable contraction. I repositioned myself trying to go back to sleep, but another one came. After a couple more, I got up and went to the bathroom then downstairs to get my phone to start timing them. Sure enough they were about 5 minutes apart but not breathtaking yet so I kept timing and tried to stay busy... blog surfed, took a bath, watched TV. By 5am the contractions were starting to take my breath away and I was getting pretty uncomfortable so I decided it was for real and time to get things packed up! I text Gord's niece to see if she would wake up and {luckily} she did. Tiffany was on her way to come and stay with Tydon so I woke Gord up and told him it was time to go have a baby. He jumped up and was pretty excited! I picked out some clothes for Tydon and packed him a bag to go to Gord's sister's. I had the baby bag packed and finished one for myself. Gord took the car seat down and put the bags in the car, Tiffany showed up and we were out the door. It took us about a half hour to get to the hospital. I was pretty hungry so I ate a banana on the way hoping it would help give me some energy.
At the hospital...
They admitted me at 6am. I was dilated to a 3 and 80% effaced. The nurse asked what I wanted for pain and I told her an epidural. She asked if I wanted it right away and I told her I'd wait. (I didn't want it to slow down my progression) At 7am they moved me to a different room and checked me again. I was dilated to a 4. I asked her if the anesthesiologist was busy and she said "no," so I decided it was time. After the epidural the nurse said she had talked to the Dr and he said to go ahead and break my water and start the pitosin to get the show on the road. By that time it was 8:30am. I was happy to be able to relax and tried to sleep. The nurse checked me again about 9am and I was dilated to a 7 so everything was moving right along. Little guy's heart was starting to slow down during contractions so they inserted a tube into my cervix to add water to help give him some cushioning. It did it's job and he was doing good again. About 10am I was starting to feel quite a bit of pressure and they hadn't checked me for a while so I called the nurse about 10:15am. I told her I thought I was ready so she checked me and sure enough he was at a 10 and I was 100% effaced. She called the Dr and he came back to the room to get ready. He suited up, lowered the bottom half of the bed and took a seat. The nurse sat the bed up and they told me on the next contraction to grab my knees and push. About that time I was ready to push, so I did as I was told, grabbed and pushed. Little guy crowned and I just kept pushing.... and out he came!! I couldn't believe it.
The cord was wrapped around his neck twice so I'm glad that he came fast.
We are so happy to finally have him here!
Henson Drey Wood
We thought he might have curly hair
at least I was crossing my fingers ;)
His first bath...
All clean...
So nice to finally hold him...
One of his Halloween hats from the nursery...
Tydon was so excited to finally meet him
Grandma Wood and my boys
It's so nice to have him home.
Love this little guy!!

I'm so grateful for this sweet little spirit and the joy and happiness he has brought into our home. Gordon has been home all week with us and I have been loving every minute of it! He has been such a huge help and I'm gonna miss him next week when he goes back to work.
Thanks for all your comments, visiting and gifts!
At the hospital...
They admitted me at 6am. I was dilated to a 3 and 80% effaced. The nurse asked what I wanted for pain and I told her an epidural. She asked if I wanted it right away and I told her I'd wait. (I didn't want it to slow down my progression) At 7am they moved me to a different room and checked me again. I was dilated to a 4. I asked her if the anesthesiologist was busy and she said "no," so I decided it was time. After the epidural the nurse said she had talked to the Dr and he said to go ahead and break my water and start the pitosin to get the show on the road. By that time it was 8:30am. I was happy to be able to relax and tried to sleep. The nurse checked me again about 9am and I was dilated to a 7 so everything was moving right along. Little guy's heart was starting to slow down during contractions so they inserted a tube into my cervix to add water to help give him some cushioning. It did it's job and he was doing good again. About 10am I was starting to feel quite a bit of pressure and they hadn't checked me for a while so I called the nurse about 10:15am. I told her I thought I was ready so she checked me and sure enough he was at a 10 and I was 100% effaced. She called the Dr and he came back to the room to get ready. He suited up, lowered the bottom half of the bed and took a seat. The nurse sat the bed up and they told me on the next contraction to grab my knees and push. About that time I was ready to push, so I did as I was told, grabbed and pushed. Little guy crowned and I just kept pushing.... and out he came!! I couldn't believe it.
The cord was wrapped around his neck twice so I'm glad that he came fast.
We are so happy to finally have him here!
Henson Drey Wood
We thought he might have curly hair
at least I was crossing my fingers ;)
Love this little guy!!
Thanks for all your comments, visiting and gifts!
Yay! I love reading about you guys!! How exciting I love the name!! It's so different! He looks alot like Tydon :)!! Good luck!!
Oh Chelsi, he's sooo cute! I'm glad everything went well! Congrats again!
He is so sweet! I'm glad that you're both doing well! I hope you're able to enjoy having your hubby home!
he is so handsome. Sounds like delivery was great. I love his name. You come up with the cutest names. Hope things continue to go well.
The second time seems like a breeze compared to the first doesn't it? Glad it went well and he got here safe. Hope you are doing well too-congrats!
He is so precious! Glad to hear everything went so smoothly!
So adorable and I love the pics of the boys together!! Priceless
He is adorable! Love the curly hair! Congrats again! Love ya!
So precious! Thanks for sharing your story.
Congrats to your cute family! Can't wait to hold and kiss him!
I'm so glad everything went well for both of you! This post made me cry. I love the pictures. He is just darling! Congratulations!
Congratulations! He is a very cute baby. I'm glad everything went well. Have fun!!
He has a name! Cute! I am so glad things went so well for you. I am excited to meet this handsome little guy!
He is such a precious little thing, he is such a handsome little man, I love all that hair!
Your delivery sounded like it went awesome! I hope mine goes similarly next time, I didn't know what to expect the first time so I just went in the very first time I had contractions (they were four minutes apart), I'm definitely using your method next time.
Tydon sure looks like he loves his little brother to death all ready!
He looks SOOO cute! It almost makes me want to have another one... ALMOST. =) I love the name you guys picked out. CONGRATS!!!
I love Labor and Delivery stories! It sounds like your went well too! Congrats, he is so sweet!
Congrats! i am so glad things went well. I love the name!
He's adorable. I can't believe how big Tydon looks next to that little baby. I'm sure that's gonna shock me as well. Congratulations!!
Congrats guys! He is so cute! Gees chelsi you look to cute! Usually after having a baby you don't look that good! Tydon looks so big next to him! He is growing up so fast!
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