Little "H" hit his 1 month mark last week.
He is growing so fast and we are loving the creases he's got.
This past month...
*Sleeps 3-4 hrs at night
*Loves to snuggle
*Smiles the most at Big Brother
*Enjoys tummy time
*Still hasn't lost his umbilical cord
*Eats for about 10 minutes at each feeding
*Starting to coo at us
*Loves being talked to
*Still trying to keep the milk down
*Likes riding in the car
*Sleeps really well in his car seat
*Awake the most in the morning and at night
*Loves having lotion put on
*Sleeps the best bundled up
Joe Cool
Mom's Favorite
He'll be getting his first hair cut next week with Daddy and Big Brother!

*Sleeps 3-4 hrs at night
*Loves to snuggle
*Smiles the most at Big Brother
*Enjoys tummy time
*Still hasn't lost his umbilical cord
*Eats for about 10 minutes at each feeding
*Starting to coo at us
*Loves being talked to
*Still trying to keep the milk down
*Likes riding in the car
*Sleeps really well in his car seat
*Awake the most in the morning and at night
*Loves having lotion put on
*Sleeps the best bundled up
AWWW! I love his hair! The curls are SO SO fun.
that did go by so fast! Can't wait to see you all at the blessing.. cute! i can't believe it's been a month. we can't wait to see him (and you guys, of course) on saturday!
Henson is SO dang cute Can't wait to meet hime!
I can't believe its been a month! That went way too fast! I'm loving the missionary and rockstar looks! Very cute!
He is already looking older! I love your favorite hair-do too!
He is so cute!! Really already a month old:) I swear the first month flies by a lot faster than the last month being prego!!
I love all the hair pics, and my fav is the curly one. He is beautiful!
I love the hair styles, lol!!! What a little looker he is! You are making me really baby hungry with his adorable pictures and all the adorable little things he's doing! I can't believe it's been more than a month, crazy!
He is such a cute baby! I love all the different hairstyles--it's nice he has enough hair to style!
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