I've wanted to make a Family Tree for my dad's parents for a while.
My grandma has a passion for genealogy and she has put in a lot of time updating our family line.
I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time in their home while I was growing up and I'm so grateful I did. My grandma would let my cousins and I earn $$ cleaning her house so we could ride the bikes to King's to buy fake fingernails... then she would get mad at us for wasting our money ;)
There were many hours spent on the horses with Grandpa and he's the one that taught me how to drive. He started all of the grand kids around 9 yrs old.
I'm so grateful for my grandparents and the great people that they are.
My dad is the baby of nine so he's got a pretty big family.
Happy Mother's/Father's Day Grandma and Grandpa!!
I love you :)

I love you :)