Last week I came home to this...

Tydon had tripped and fell and hit the door jam...

It immediately swelled up...

The next day, the swelling had gone down and
over the next couple days the "sweet" bruise showed up

He still has a small scrape, but the bruise is finally almost gone

{So glad he didn't end up with stitches}
Today we went in for Tydon's
FIRST official
DENTIST appointment.
He was sooo good!
We prepped him most of the week by talking about what they would do.

He held so still for x-rays

Didn't mind the scrubbing...

flossing... no big deal ;)

Dentist said everything looks great!
Best part... Buzz Light Year toothbrush!
OUCH!!! That looks like it hurt! What a tough kid.
Scott would love someone like him in the office. Many adults are not that good. :)
HOLY COW! That is quite the bump!!!
Hey if you ever want to bring Tydon out to Omaha Danton can now work on his teeth! Or you can just wait until you are Danton's office manager ;) I'm sure he will get you some great dental insur. We sure miss you guys!
poor guy! That bumb looks pretty intense, i figure this is only the beginning with boys right? Love the blanket you made, so darling! you are so talented!
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