Now that we are back to reality our trip flew by...
We spent most of the time in Mud Lake so Gord could hunt and golf.
While Gord went home for work I stayed in Idaho Falls to play.
A few of the highlights:
Dressing up
A visit to the Eastern Idaho State Fair
Visiting Great Grandma and Grandpa Eaton
Watching Brody play football
Feeding the horses
Swinging on the walker
Gord's crazy nephew...
and then we let Tydon ride with him ;)
We were able to meet Gord's new niece too!
Meysa Laney Wood
Sorry no pic
Felt good to finish my quilts and re-stock the boutique with changing pads...
Then we were headed home
Tydon loves his new helmet - Thanks Briggs
Gord's niece had her baby the day we left!
Meet little Van Tyson Anderson
Now that there are two new babies in the family... I'm getting baby hungry!!
Dr Appointment Update
I was measuring small... (31 weeks and I should have been at least 36) So the Dr ordered an ultrasound just to check growth. Sure enough the little man is a little small, but measuring 35 weeks. Tydon was 8 days late so... I'm expecting another late arrival.
The worst part though... The Dr made me get a FLU SHOT and my arm still hurts!
Of course I haven't started dilating yet...
We'll find out more next week;)
While Gord went home for work I stayed in Idaho Falls to play.
A few of the highlights:
Dressing up
Meysa Laney Wood
Sorry no pic
Felt good to finish my quilts and re-stock the boutique with changing pads...
Then we were headed home
Tydon loves his new helmet - Thanks Briggs
Meet little Van Tyson Anderson
Dr Appointment Update
I was measuring small... (31 weeks and I should have been at least 36) So the Dr ordered an ultrasound just to check growth. Sure enough the little man is a little small, but measuring 35 weeks. Tydon was 8 days late so... I'm expecting another late arrival.
The worst part though... The Dr made me get a FLU SHOT and my arm still hurts!
Of course I haven't started dilating yet...
We'll find out more next week;)
I so wish we could have gone to the fair. That place is just awesome!
Oh, and that sucks that you had to get a flu shot. Those are the worst. Hopefully everything keeps going along and that baby comes soon.
And, love love love your family summer pictures. So cute.
Ooh! You're getting close! I'm really excited to see pictures of this your new little guy! Tydon is sooo cute! I love his cute smile!
Tydon looks so small on that motorcycle next to Gordons nephew, he is SOOOO CUTE! Such a little boy, I love how he was wearing it in his carseat, nothing will penetrate him now!
You are so tiny, I can't believe you are full term! At least you are expecting him to be late, when I say my due date I'm thinking, "she will be here by this date and not a day later" ;)
You guys are always staying busy when things slow down for you we really want to go hang out with you guys, maybe by that time he will be here and we'll get to meet him!!!
Exciting! I can't wait for those appointments one day. Cute baby Van! I just want to hold him!
Looks like you guys had a party :)! How Exciting for you new baby Few more weeks!
hey, just be grateful that your baby isn't measuring BIG. That sounds scary to me.
Looks like a blast in Idaho! I love the fair!
Love the fair! Glad you had fun in Idaho. Can't wait to see your little baby...hope he comes sooner than later for you!
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