Wednesday night Gord took Tydon fishing.
They both were so excited all day...
While they were gone I finished up a couple projects, used up some zucchini and got out the pumpkin!!
Wee Wee Wigwams for Gord's niece
And a couple for me...
And some Tie Onesies for church...
Pumpkin Cookies... my favorite
Thursday night Gord and I went to the temple to do sealings.
It was such a great reminder of the covenants we've made. We learned so much from the Sealer - It is such a blessing to be close to a temple.
I can tell I'm getting closer to my due date because I've been nesting like crazy!!
Until you've experienced the feeling you don't quite understand why you want to scrub every inch of your house, organize every closet and drawer, wash windows and blinds... I've even been obsessive about the yard! Baby brother probably won't be having a camp out anytime soon, but I feel like the weeds need pulled and the grass trimmed...
Gordon has been so patient with me as I've been bugging him to help with this and that. He doesn't ask anymore, he just gets the job done ;)
I'm winding down on my cleaning...
So I've planned some more sewing for next week!
The Dr Says...
I had an appointment on Thursday and I'm starting to dilate!!
I didn't dilate at any of my appointments with Tydon so I was pretty excited to hear that I'm making some progress this early. I have another appointment next Thursday...
I'm feeling really good and the nesting burst of energy is great!
I just wish I didn't have to sleep...
I really don't like getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night (usually at 1:30am and then again at 4:30am) staying comfortable so I can actually sleep is getting to be a challenge too.
Amazing how these little people just take over ;)
I'm looking forward to attending the Relief Society Meeting at the Conference Center.
I've always experienced the meeting through a broadcast so I'm excited for a new opportunity.
This is such a great time of year...
I love a Season change and the opportunity to listen to the leaders of our church provide council.
It's always another fresh start that helps rejuvenate me.
Have a great weekend!!
Wee Wee Wigwams for Gord's niece
Thursday night Gord and I went to the temple to do sealings.
It was such a great reminder of the covenants we've made. We learned so much from the Sealer - It is such a blessing to be close to a temple.

I can tell I'm getting closer to my due date because I've been nesting like crazy!!
Until you've experienced the feeling you don't quite understand why you want to scrub every inch of your house, organize every closet and drawer, wash windows and blinds... I've even been obsessive about the yard! Baby brother probably won't be having a camp out anytime soon, but I feel like the weeds need pulled and the grass trimmed...
Gordon has been so patient with me as I've been bugging him to help with this and that. He doesn't ask anymore, he just gets the job done ;)
I'm winding down on my cleaning...
So I've planned some more sewing for next week!
The Dr Says...
I had an appointment on Thursday and I'm starting to dilate!!
I didn't dilate at any of my appointments with Tydon so I was pretty excited to hear that I'm making some progress this early. I have another appointment next Thursday...
I'm feeling really good and the nesting burst of energy is great!
I just wish I didn't have to sleep...
I really don't like getting up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night (usually at 1:30am and then again at 4:30am) staying comfortable so I can actually sleep is getting to be a challenge too.
Amazing how these little people just take over ;)

I'm looking forward to attending the Relief Society Meeting at the Conference Center.
I've always experienced the meeting through a broadcast so I'm excited for a new opportunity.
This is such a great time of year...
I love a Season change and the opportunity to listen to the leaders of our church provide council.
It's always another fresh start that helps rejuvenate me.
Have a great weekend!!
You are just so crazy Chels. I commend you on all your craftiness even when you're prego. Way to be!! I am so bummed that I am missing the conference tonight. I have to work! Anyway, I'm sure it will be a good one!
Ya! Sounds like baby is on his way. Will you stick some cookies in a box and send them up they are my fave too. way to go on all the nesting. You are going to have no pro\blem when babe 2 comes.
oh my gosh your baby is coming so soon! I'm so glad I'll be close so if you ever need ANY help you just give me a call and I'll come right over! and we should make those yummy looking cookies!
Wow what a neat opportunity to see the broadcast at the conference center! I saw it broadcasted, but what an amazing touching meeting!! We need to meet up sometime. I am in the provo area quite a bit, we should meet somewhere. not for a few months now...cuz of the baby! Good Luck!
I decided the mid-night tinkle breaks are just preparing moms for those feedings ahead!
Wow! I can't believe how much you've got done--that's awesome! All of your projects turned out so cute! How fun that your hubby took Tydon fishing & what a cute picture to remember it with!
I wish I nested like you, I am such a slacker in that department. That is so awesome you are dilating, when I went in to the hospital to have Kaydence I wasn't even to a one, I think they were generous saying I was a half. That's a cute picture of Tydon and Gordon, That is one reason Travis will be really exciting to have a boy some day (if we do) to take fishing and manly stuff like that!
Yay for progress! That is ALWAYS nice to hear from the doc :) Chelsi- thank-you SO MUCH for the gift! I was so excited to get it, and it came on the perfect day. Some days being prego really takes a toll on a person- physically, mentally, and emotionally. Your package came on one of those days. I can't thank-you enough...and despite my gestational diabetes...I have eaten all the chocolate covered cinnamon bears already... hahahaha!!!THANK-YOU!!!!!
Holy Cow Chelsi, can I just say how much I totally covet your creativity. I need to repent. I also need a bassinet like yours!!! I have never seen anything like it! Did you seriously make it all from scratch or did you get the frame from something else? I am intensely jealous. It looks even better than the original, especially with the giraffe print which I LOVE! It looks like it would be so much easier to store than a regular bassinet too. Ugh! Why can't Eli be more handy? If you feel like making another, I will totally buy it from you.
Also, I really like the tie onesies. I am intensely afraid that my next child will be a boy and I won't know what to do with him. It's so great to see cute boy stuff.
You're awesome!!! Good luck with the delivery!
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