

January Fun...

This month has flown by...

"Little Punky" turned 3 months...
He's full of smiles and we can't get enough of him~
*Sleeping through the night
*Had Croup
*Got his first haircut
*Loves to sing with big brother
*Likes to be standing up or sitting up
*Stays awake to play more throughout the day
*Loves to chat with Daddy
*Hair is thinning out and lightning up
*Still mom's little cuddle bug
Tydon played Itty Bitty Basketball
and did AWESOME!!
{I really hope I can find another program like this}
He got to be on the same team as his cousin Jackson
The boys couldn't get enough of College Football this month...
{Now they're looking forward to the Super Bowl}
We finally got a decent snow storm
We got to watch Gord's little nephew Van for a few hours one day
They are only a month apart and so much fun together
I helped Gord's niece Brinley make a mask for a dance she went to
{she's the cutie on the RIGHT}
Tydon LOVES to do puzzles!
We got him a 5-7yr puzzle for Christmas and he did it all by himself ;)
Can't get enough of bath time around here...
H's new haircut
Tydon has slept in a few mornings until 9am ~ and he's been eating more...
Must be a growth spurt ;)
Last year I certified to teach aerobics, but didn't do anything with it because I was pregnant with Henson. We have an AWESOME work-out group through our Stake and they asked me to take a day, so I teach every Friday... and I'm LOVING it. It's been good for me and I can't wait to get a job at a gym.
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To end the month, we are headed to AZ!!
It's Gord's Annual District Metting and we decided to take the boys with us this year.
Tydon can't wait to ride on the BIG airplane ;)


Cute Couple...

Gordon's niece is getting married in February.
She asked me to make her sign-in book so this is what I came up with.
Her colors are Black, Pink and Zebra!! {love it}

You can see the whole book by clicking on the picture... let me know what you think!
I may have found a new hobby ;)


Sure do miss him...

Gord had to go to Boise to help bid a project.
Excited to see him later tonight!!
{This picture is from a dinner we went to for Kiewit at the Grand America in SLC}


December Recap...

Seriously... I'm just getting around to it!
A few of our December highlights...

For FHE we made a gingerbread house.
Tydon made another one at a Craft Group we go to.
Ward Christmas Party
"Santa will you bring me a motorbike?"
Tydon asks for one almost everyday!

One of my favorite memories with Gord was when we went to see the lights when we were dating.
Tydon LOVED the lights this year...
We rode the train from Sandy to downtown-
Tydon was excited to wear his new snow pants
What would the holidays be without... an
Thanks Bates' - so fun to see you guys again!

I love the holidays and the opportunity to spend time with family and friends. We were able to go home for 12 days and it was a blast!

We party Christmas Eve at my parents with yummy food, a family gift exchange, new pajamas and a friendly game of 99. This year my dad won.
We didn't end the festivities until 2:30am this year!!
This year I crocheted Ashtyn a hat and some flowers to attach to it.
Justin is the easiest to shop for ;)
How would you have liked to have seen this from Santa on Christmas morning??
Bailey ~ {For my cousin Karli}
I got to snuggle with her on Christmas Eve - my new favorite ;)
We all took our turns...
Henson slept through most of it the festivities Christmas Eve
Tydon helps make Christmas morning exciting for all of us

After a good nap and picking up our mess at G&G's we headed out to Mud Lake to party with the Wood Fam.
Berkli loved her puzzle and Dora book.

Back to IF for a few days...
Monday night for FHE we went to Mt River Ranch with my family
Tydon loved the sleigh ride...
Henson stayed bundled in his seat the whole time... such a good boy!
We ate prime rib and listened to some great music
My dad is {obsessed} with fireworks and had some left over from July so he lit some for Tydon

After a few more days in Mud Lake we headed home...
On the way we stopped for a DELICIOUS pork roast dinner at Great's house.
Thanks family, we had tons of fun and can't wait to see you guys again in February!


FHE Lessons...

For a YEAR!!
Gord's brother and SIL gave us the BEST Christmas gift this year :)

A magnet FHE Board and Binder filled with FHE Lessons for 2010.
The lessons follow the Primary Outline for this year.
{I can't believe Tydon is a Sunbeam already}

You can make a binder for yourself by going to
To go along with it I made some cards through Heritage Makers...
They look like a deck of playing cards.

The front has the scripture the kids are suppose to memorize for the month in Primary.
{The remaining cards are scriptures that we are going to memorize as a family each week.}
Tydon started memorizing scriptures before he turned 2yrs, so he is excited to memorize scriptures with the kids in his Sun Beam class.


For 2010...

I'm choosing to
This holiday season helped me realize what's truly important.
I'm grateful for family and friends and feel truly blessed for all that I have.

It's time to decide between WANTS and NEEDS!!
My goal for 2010...
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